When you make an online donation through the Advance on December 3, 2013, your gift will multiply.
For one day only, December 3, 2013, as part of UMC#GivingTuesday, gifts made to Child Action Initiative through Advance Number 3021036 will be matched*.
As always, when you give through the Advance, 100 percent of your gift directly supports the ministry project; overhead costs are supported through other channels.
To donate, please click on Advance ; Advance Project Search - enter Child Action Initiative;
click on find. Click on 1. Child Action Initiative - Projects. Click on Give Now and follow the instructions. There is an option to give your UMC credit for your donation.
Thank you so much for your faithful support and doubling your impact by making a generous gift on December 3, 2013.
*The General Board of Global Ministries will allocate the "matching funds" dollar for dollar up to the first $500,000.00 in gifts to Advance projects received on line on December 3, 2013, between 12:00 A.M. E.S.T. and 11.59 P.M. A maximum of $10,000.00 for individual gifts to a project will be dispersed as matching funds. A project may receive a maximum of $50,000.00 in matching gifts.
Bev & Ed Wentz
U.S. Coordinators for Child Action Initiative
Western North Carolina Conference
Northern Piedmont District
Oak Ridge UMC,
Oak Ridge, NC 27310